Former President of the United States Bill Clinton is finding himself in hot water as an excerpt from a new book titled, “A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein,” by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper, out June 2 describes he had an affair with Jeffrey Epstein’s right-hand procurer of children, Ghislaine Maxwell.
According to Fox News, Bill Clinton took at least 26 trips on Epstein’s Boeing 727 between 2001 and 2003.
Ghislaine Maxwell & Clinton Family Backstory
Maxwell first grew close with the Clintons after Bill Clinton left office, even vacationing on a yacht with Chelsea Clinton in 2009, attending her wedding in 2010, and participating in the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2013, years after her name first emerged in accounts of Epstein’s alleged sexual abuse.
It’s odd that a former sitting president would still hang around a pedophile even after this information was out. Epstein ended getting a horribly sweet deal in 2008 after being convicted in Florida on two prostitution-related charges, one of which involved a minor.
Bill Clinton’s spokesman, Angel Urena, said that Epstein even visited Clinton at his Harlem office once in 2002 and that Clinton once briefly visited Epstein’s apartment. It’s unclear what apartment that would be. Epstein owned an Upper East Side townhouse that federal prosecutors said was worth $77 million.
Let’s just remind you how close they were, Ghislaine Maxwell was among the guests at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in July 2010 in upstate New York. There’s more dark shit to this then meets the eye. The truth will come out, or it will die trying as history has shown.

“[Bill] and Ghislaine were getting it on,” a source who witnessed the relationship said in an interview. “That’s why he was around Epstein—to be with her.”
The book’s sources say that Clinton’s presence didn’t have anything to do with Epstein or his procurement of little girls, but his interest in Epstein’s number one, Ghislaine Maxwell. They also claimed that Clinton used Epstein’s name as clout where it was validation for him being there and throwing off the scent of another extramarital affair with Maxwell.
They also go into detail of how the coziness between the former president and the British socialite drew notice in New York social circles. Clinton and Maxwell were spotted dining together at the Madison Avenue Italian mainstay Nello, according to a 2002 New York magazine article, which described Maxwell as a “man-eater” in the same paragraph. In 2001 Hillary declined to attend New York education charity gala so Bill Clinton went stag, but who was with him? Maxwell!
My Take on Maxwell & Clinton
Well, this sounds somewhat too legitimate, but how much are we missing? It’s been reported that she had sex with an underage girl with Epstein why wouldn’t she do it with Clinton? Who else was involved? What does Clinton know? Does Bill Clinton know where she is? Is this a book to throw people off?
President Clinton has denied ever visiting the Caribbean island but has admitted flying in Epstein’s private jet on four occasions. Clinton’s spokesman said on Wednesday: ‘It’s a total lie today, it’s a total lie tomorrow, and it’ll be a total lie years from now.’
The Epstein story beggars belief. You all need to watch the documentary on Netflix. Shame on Ghislaine Maxwell, shame on Prince Andrew & Buckingham Palace for covering this up, and finally Shame on Alex Acosta and fractions of the U.S. government for helping Epstein carrying on longer than he should have. The fix is in.
I advise everyone to go watch the new Netflix documentary that details testimony from witnesses and victims of Epstein’s abuse. The Epstein documentary was released last night and Steve Scully, a 70-year-old former worker on Epstein’s private Caribbean island of Little Saint James, claims he saw Clinton sitting with the pedophile on the porch of the island’s villa.
Pretty pathetic that Americans lose their fucking shit over a trashy shit show like Tiger King but so far aren’t blowing up the internet out of outrage in regards to the true evil that they’re people like Alex Acosta, Ghislaine Maxwell, Ken Starr among many others who helped protect pedophiles.