‌My Advocacy

Julian Assange is without a doubt one of the smartest and arguably the bravest man of my generation.
I do not apologize if that statement upsets you. A man that has unleashed truth as Assange has, makes him the biggest target in the world right now. With that being said, I have a very hard time believing he left himself completely vulnerable to the whims of corrupt politicians and countries to ultimately become a shell of a man trapped in a tiny room. Is this isolation part of a plan?

- Julian Assange - The Bravest Man of This Millennium Pt. 1 2 Julian Assange

It’s far more practical to me that a man who has successfully revealed dangerous truths all his life and changed the world numerous times has always made sure he had a winning card to play. I just cannot see him being at the mercy of corruptionists. Julian’s intelligence is the key to everything that’s happened particularly here in the United States whether it was under the Obama, Trump or even Bush administrations.

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Julian and WikiLeaks have exposed dark secrets by governments domestic and foreign. These secrets are vast from NSA wiretapping individuals at home and abroad every second of every day via Edward Snowden, to the democratic party corruption e-mails, then the Chelsea Manning leaks including the Afghan and Iraq logs along with the Guantanamo files just to name a few. Not one time did any of these people or entities that were exposed deny any of this, they simply changed the narrative and focused on being hacked opposed to the information being false. what does this say to you?

- Julian Assange - The Bravest Man of This Millennium Pt. 1 3 Julian Assange

I’ve said it previously and I will say it again, Julian Assange should receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I must also mention that since its inception WikiLeaks has never ever been proven wrong nor released anything that’s been false, not once. Can any of our media outlets claim the same thing? Didn’t think so.

There is the only thing that will make a difference for Julian Assange, that’s public support and public pressure on our governments to protect him. Don’t be afraid to get loud and be vocal about what you want this administration to do with Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and freedom of the press.

- Julian Assange - The Bravest Man of This Millennium Pt. 1 4 Julian Assange

The United States has no Jurisdiction trying Assange who is not a United States citizen.

There is no fraud, no conspiracy, no conversion or theft, merely leaks that any journalist would report & honest publishers would fight for the right to publish. The TRUTH is not accepted by governments who do dirt and hide secrets. Where is the Australian government in any of this?

“We cannot build a just civilization out of ignorance and lies — we have to educate each other. We have to celebrate those who reveal the truth and denounce those who poison our ability to comprehend the world that we live in.”

To Be Continued…..

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About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact, CheckYourFact.com, The Quint and many other outlets.

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