Why Israel?

The Israeli government allows Jewish people to have guns but do not permit non-Jewish people to own guns and have sentenced many Palestinians to 20-year prison sentences for throwing rocks. 75% of Americans believe we should stop sending aid to Israel and that same 75% believe we are sending too much money to Israel. Facebook & Google complies with 95% of Israeli Government commands to delete content that the government says incites Palestinian violence, inciting content or opinions simply criticizing the state of Israel, while YouTube complies with 80%, Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked says. When confronted with these claims Facebook, Google & YouTube representatives declined to comment.
Ayelet Shaked also said any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitic, and any U.S. criticism distorts reality. 45 U.S. Senators & 237 U.S. Congressmen supported a bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime. But as the ACLU pointed out it’s purely contradictory to the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Bill proposed a minimum fine of $250k and a maximum of $1,000,000 and a 20-year prison sentence for even merely speaking your beliefs and criticism of the state.