Harvey Weinstein who is photographed using a walker and his former film studio are reportedly nearing $25M settlement deal with dozens of sexual assault accusers ahead of the rape trial. The report comes as Weinstein appears in NYC courtroom using a walker.

Harvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 2 Harvey WeinsteinHarvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 3 Harvey Weinstein

According to the New York Times, the deal would bring an end to nearly every assault lawsuit filed against Weinstein and his now-bankrupt The Weinstein Company.

Weinstein, who is 67, is not required to admit wrongdoing or pay anything to his accusers himself, lawyers told The Times. Sadly, in my opinion, this isn’t fair especially the damages he caused them and they’ll all have to split up this settlement between, lawyers, victims, and employees.

Harvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 4 Harvey WeinsteinHarvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 5 Harvey Weinstein

It’s not fair, and I could see this deal falling through, but it is pending court approval and a final signoff by all involved parties, the settlement would be paid by insurance companies representing The Weinstein Company. Weinstein isn’t even being punished here, the people who have to split the deal is and it’s sickening. No justice.

Weinstein who is scheduled to stand trial in New York City beginning Jan. 6 on rape and sexual assault charges. He’s pleaded not guilty and maintains that any sexual activity was consensual. Will there ever be a day when rich and powerful men can no longer buy their way out of accountability?

Harvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 6 Harvey WeinsteinHarvey Weinstein Agrees to $25 Million Deal For Dozens of Victims 7 Harvey Weinstein

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About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact, CheckYourFact.com, The Quint and many other outlets.

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