President Trump and first lady Melania Trump were greeted by French President Macron and French first lady Brigitte Macron as they arrived for an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day in France.

Taps was played as Presidents Trump and Macron overlooked the beaches of Normandy, the site of the D-Day landings 75 years ago today. President Macron then went to the podium and began speaking to the military veterans of that day and said, “ on behalf of my nation I just want to say thank you.”

President Trump had some beautiful words for the D-Day veterans that made me flinch a year. He called the veterans who were “some of the greatest Americans who will ever live, you are the side of our nation, you are the glory of our republic, arm we thank-you from the bottom of our hearts”.

President Trump and Macron are having a bilateral meeting to discuss climate change, the state of the European Union and tensions with Iran. At the ceremony earlier Trump went up to shake hands with Marcon after the French president said the people of France are ready to renew the friendship with the U.S., so let’s see where that’s taking us.

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Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact,, The Quint and many other outlets.

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