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Leah Remini, former scientologist and former co- host of the daytime talk show, ‘The Talk’, has thrown gasoline on the already existing fire Sharon Osbourne seems to find herself under after last week’s show.
The Back Story
This all started last week because Oprah did an interview with Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Markle where she described the royals of being prejudice and racist (there is a difference) even speaking about her contemplation of suicide.
Well Piers Morgan who has been critical of Markle slammed her by saying he doesn’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Social media went ape shit and started slamming the british morning anchor because he wasn’t taking into consideration that mental health issues are real and more prominent than people want to admit.
It got so bad Piers stormed off and ended up quitting the show, but he had friends in his corner, one of the first was Sharon Osbourne. She got in a spat with her co-hosts who accused her of being insensitive and covering for Piers’ criticisms that they seem to deem racially motivated. There’s a lot more please read the entirety of what happened here so I don’t sound repetitive.

Leah Remini Accusations
Evidently Leah Remini gave an interview describing Sharon Osbourne’s behavior when the show first started describing her co-hosts in a very offensive manner.
Remini described Sharon having multiple outbursts including calling former co-host Julie Chen “slanty eyes” because Osbourne was afraid Chen was trying to gain too much exposure and make the show about her. Sharon seemed threatened especially since Chen was married to Les Moonves who was at the time the boss at CBS.
Moonves, obviously is no longer in power at the network after being accused of multiple sexual abuse and harassment allegations, he resigned in the fall of 2018.
Leah then adds that Osbourne slammed executive producer and co-host of ‘The Talk’ Melissa Gilbert saying, “Why won’t the p—y licker do anything about the wonton?” and “Why won’t the fish-eater be part of this discussion? She’s the f–king executive producer.”
Leah Remimi also claims that Osbourne refered to her by two italian slurs “wop” and “guinea.”
Osbourne denies all claims and her publicist, Howard Brahman, labels these attacks by Leah Reimini an attack by a “disgruntled former employee.”
‘The Talk’ is still on hiatus until further notice as this fire seems to be getting hotter and hotter for Sharon Osbourne. We live in a cancel culture society, no matter if these claims by Leah Remimi are proven true or false, the damage may have been done to Sharon’s celebrity, as image is everything today.
My Take
I just have to ask a few questions for Leah Remini, Why wait so long to reveal these things that were said years ago? What would you have lost if your claims about Sharon were true? Wouldn’t it have been easier to prove then opposed to now?
Being canceled is something children do, holding adults accountable is something that adults should be doing, but twitter trolls have the nerve to slam Osbourne without due diligence but forget they applaud a Pope who welcomes the gay community but ignore the fact that Francis protected pedophiles. Ironic isn’t it? Yes, that’s my comparison.
Maybe Sharon did say those things, she would be wrong and would need to be disciplined by her employer, but if she didn’t say any of these racists comments then all her critics on this issue owe her an apology and she should seeks financial compensation from the network.
Moreover, so far much of the evidence presented is hearsay, in conjunction with the fact that she has upset the WOKE, it’s hardly surprising that unsubstantiated allegations are all that is needed for the mob to call for blood.