Herschel Walker, the former Heisman trophy winner and NFL great who played for the Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants, has filed his paperwork in the state of Georgia with the Federal Election Commission establishing his candidacy.

Herschel Walker throwing his name into Georgia’s United States Senate race automatically catapults him to first place on the Republican end of things opposing, Senator Rafael Warnock, who became the first black Senator in Georgia history in January of this year.

Senator Warnock may be a powerhouse at fundraising as he’s proved as of late, but as close as the race was between Loeffler and Warnock earlier this year, Walker’s name recognition will help him Garner votes especially with the help of President Donald Trump and his supporters.

Herschel and President have a long loyal friendship dating back to the 1980’s where he was signed to Donald Trump’s team in United States Football League. He recently served as a co-chair of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition in 2018 with Bill Belichick and delivered a fantastic speech in support of President Trump’s bid for president at the 2020 Republican National Convention.

Walker’s entrance into Georgia’s chaotic GOP Senate primary is the nightmare scenario that Republicans have spent the entire cycle trying to avoid. By the end of this long, divisive, and expensive intra-party fight, it’ll be clear that none of these candidates are focused on the issues that matter most to Georgians.

The Democratic Party of Georgia

Former Senator Kelly Loeffler who lost the race as previously mentioned, has yet to decide if she’s throwing her hat back in the race, so that is yet to be seen depending on how well Walker’s standing holds up with the Republican establishment and against Democratic attacks over the next six months.

Herschel Walker & The Issues

Herschel Walker to Run for U.S. Senate Amid The Left's Hypocrisy on Mental Illness 1 herschel walker
Vernal Utah, USA, May 5 2019: Herschel Walker part of the Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America. Photo by Chris Casanova.

He faces severe criticism on personal issues regarding his business dealings, marital problems, mental illness and is taking extreme heat for Walker’s out-of-state address.


Recently, voter information from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office shows that Walker registered to vote in the state on August 17 using an Atlanta address.

The opposition is gunning for Walker as they disapprove of his Atlanta cumopance since he’s lived near Dallas for over a decade now getting tax breaks, a homestead exemption at that, which is only allowed to be granted to home owners that consider that specific location their primary residence.

However, it doesn’t seem that Walker will have a problem considering the constitution only requires a U.S. Senator “when elected (to) be an inhabitant of that state,” giving Walker and lawyers tons of room for interpretation to beat the system, or allow the system to work for them, leaving Herschel and Georgia free and clear along with his homestead exemption in Texas.

In an interview with Dr. Roy Black, who teaches property law at Emory University, “You have to pick what is your primary residence,” Black said. “Claiming that Georgia is your principal residence would be a lie if it actually wasn’t. it would be a tax dodge.”

Mental Illness

There’s been a tremendous amount of criticism about Herschel Walker’s mental state and whatever previous issues he may have had, this criticism is coming heavily from the left, aren’t they supposed to be the party to encourage protection for those with mental illness?

I don’t know Herschel Walker’s situation but it’s extremely hypocritical for the same people who hate to be judged to be judging somebody else. Stop the bull s***!

In 2008 in an interview with ABC News, Walker revealed he had a mental illness he never knew about called dissociative identity disorder, historically known as multiple personality disorder, “I had it the whole time, I just didn’t know what it was,” Walker said.

Walker has not taken any medication but he has taken therapy for many years and has written several books to help with that therapy to get his story hoping it may help someone else.

The Competition

Walker is just one name that’s entered the race to unseat Warnock including Kelvin King, Gary Black, and Latham Sadler, but expect many more names to be thrown in the hat as it’s still early, but none may be bigger than Walker’s.


Walker is expected to formally announce his campaign on Wednesday, August 25th, 2021.

About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact, CheckYourFact.com, The Quint and many other outlets.

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