Chelsea Clinton, the former first daughter, is calling on social media platform Facebook to ban Fox News host Tucker Carlson following a viral post that included the Carlson’s speculation on the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines.
You’re kidding me right?
“If the vaccine is effective, there is no reason for people who have received the vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact,” Carlson during his show on Tuesday night, echoing many Americans who rushed out to get the shot, now realizing they may be in more harm than before the receiving the vaccine.
“Maybe the vaccine doesn’t work and they’re simply not telling you that,” Carlson said, referring to the sudden halt to the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine on Tuesday. Distribution was blocked after six women who took the vaccine from the compay ended up developing rare blood clots, which has now occured in other parts of Europe as well.
Our body, our choice.
Tucker Carlson in Response to Chelsea Clinton
Carlson’s posting had become the most popular on the internet by Wednesday, which upset Clinton after her mother’s former foreign policy spokesman brought it to her attention.
Even Dr. Anthony Fauci chimed in calling Tucker’s comments a “conspiracy theory” since they “were counter to what we’re trying to accomplish to protect the safety and the health of the American public.”
My Take on Chelsea Clinton
Clinton’s remarks come off as sexist don’t they? Didn’t she just accuse him of discouraging Republican men from getting the COVID-19 vaccine. To me that’s extremely polarizing rhetoric all over a legitimate question that need to be asked and theres more questions the American people want answers to, what’s the harm in that? Questioning our government? Figured!
In my opinion Carlson has every right to question the government’s push for vaccines especially because it has to do with the well-being of the American people, especially when there seems to be such a heavy push of invasion of privacy in context of the almost forcefulness push to get vaccinated by the government.
Moreover, Why can’t we question our government? Isn’t that the greatest part of democracy? How is that misinformation? It’s not, we want information for our well being. People want to be safe and people are afraid of harmful side effects of something that even scientists know nothing about.

If she’s gearing up with this rethoric to run for office one day all I can see is Democrats voting for her because she’s more than likely no to have a ton of people on the right side of the isle voting her way. Her parents are deep staters and have hurt this country so much, how can she not see this?m Probably since she’s one of the same!
FYI, if the people don’t question their government the only thing that will be left is perception of truth, no actuall facts to legitimize that truth, that would mean the people pushing that information would be….Fake News Right?