The U.S. State Department has ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees from Iraq, both at the embassy in Baghdad and consulate in Erbil.

This is coming out the shadows of soaring tensions between the U.S. & Iran, ambiguous U.S. claims that Iranian proxies planning to target U.S. interests somewhere in the region. Earlier this week the U.S. warned individuals to stay away from Iraq and “to keep a low profile”.

Breaking News: U.S. State Department Pulls out All Non-Emergency Staff From Iraq 2 Iraq

The same day the U.S. proposed sending 120,000 troops to the area if Iran attacks American forces or try to enhance their nuclear capabilities. If you remember recently the U.S. ordered B-52 bombers and the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Arabian Gulf.

Here is what the US State Department is now asking from all non-essential US government personnel in Iraq:
• Depart Iraq by commercial transportation as soon as possible
• Avoid U.S. facilities within Iraq
• Remain aware of surroundings

There will be more to come on this story as things develop. They don’t want to mess with Trump.

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About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact,, The Quint and many other outlets.

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