North Korea just launched short-range missiles into the sea which traveled in the air 70-200 kilometers, the South Korean military says, in what would be Pyongyang’s first such action for more than a year as it seeks to up pressure on the US with nuclear talks deadlocked.

Considering President Trump and Putin just spoke today I’m curious If anything else was discussed besides Venezuela, didn’t President Kim just recently meet with Putin as well?

If this indeed is verified by the United States this will mean everything that President Trump has worked towards has effectively ended with North Korea.

Kim had agreed to suspend missile testing, but from what happened last time n Hanoi, this is evidence that’s its more and more a standstill and the beginning of a breakdown in negotiations between the US and North Korea.

Does this violate Kim’s self-imposed moratorium? What’s next for Trump?

Breaking News: North Korea Fires Missiles for 1st In Over a Year 1 North Korea

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Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact,, The Quint and many other outlets.

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