The Archdiocese of New York just named 120 Catholic clergy members whom they’ve said are “credibly accused” of sexual abuse or being in possession of child pornography. The clergy member breakdown consists of 115 priests along with 5 deacons.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan released a letter of apology to the public asking for forgiveness, Cardinal Dolan says, “for the failings of that clergy and bishops who should have provided for the safety of our young people but instead betrayed the trust placed in them by God and by the faithful.” Nearly half of the 120 clergy members have died and some are fighting the accusations. Click here to see the list of the accused priests and deacons.

Since the 1980s, the Catholic Church in the U.S. and its insurance companies have paid out more than $3.8 billion in lawsuits and claims involving allegations of sexual abuse, according to a non-profit monitoring group.
What people wonder now is how many in the clergy are “faking it” workwise to have access to children? No one of true faith would ever commit such crimes, and they use the name of Christ as their cloak to conceal their evil doings.
No faith is safe from Satan. He will tempt any place Jesus is loved, obeyed, & adored. His greatest achievement has been to get leaders of faith to fall into disgusting sin, we must be vigilant. Satan never sleeps, He prowls the earth in all forms, seeking to devour souls. He knows the Bible better than you do.
They will pay for taking the innocence of Jesus’s children. I hope they rot in hell. These are demons on earth. May Jesus bless these children. They have brought shame, resentment, and hate towards the name of Jesus Christ, these people were never true Christians.
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