Well this’ the season for creepy things, scary dreams, and evil thoughts….so I hear?. As we approach the halfway point to Halloween, this list is seems needed. Well, what can get creepier, scarier or more evil than a horror movie? This list?

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13. 1408

The weirdo Stephen King does it again and Mikael Hafstrom nailed this epic horror thriller and John Cusack was excellent as playing the one-man show. Made it seem as if you were in a dream and wasn’t sure what was a reality until the end. I once stayed at the Congress Hotel in Chicago and was scared shitless, especially because the doors started opening and closing.

12. Poltergeist

Blue lighting seems to have an effect on horror movies more so today than perhaps ever before, but this was the beginning. I was already a Craig T. Nelson fan and he did an excellent job here. What makes this even more frightening similar to The Exorcist was the stuff behind the camera with the so-called curse.

11. The Phantasm

The creepy music kills, I was a boy when my brother would watch this and booooyyyy I was SCARED. The Tall Man still runs through my mind every now and then. If you haven’t watched this yet, watch it alone in the dark and make sure it’s cold then message me and tell me what you think.??

10. The Invitation

I don’t think I breathed as heavily watching a movie more so than I did watch this one. You just wait and watch to see what’s the plot. The plot goes on to culminates with a hell of a surprise and the occult like propaganda shines. Real terror like this really happens every day.

9. Silence Of The Lambs

The greatest villain in cinematic history, Dr. Hannibal Lector. Based on true events, it’s simply a masterpiece. Its horror with psychology on steroids.

8. The Amityville Horror

Can you sleep? do you hear things at night? Do you feel like something is watching you in the corner of your room? It is…Check this out.

7. The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

Absolutely compelling, she did an extraordinary job playing this role. The true story of Emily Rose is damn near itching its that frightening. Forces out here can get you when you don’t know it. An all-star cast with Tom Wilkinson, Laura Linney, and Jennifer Carpenter simply nail the realism and unlike any other horror movie, this real-life story was brought in front of the courts, never done before. This shit is real.

6. IT

Tim Curry, John Ritter Harry Anderson, Richard Thomas & Tim Reid are incredible. The graphics may not be great, the story is good, so kudos to Stephen King but the acting is excellent. Now the current day IT was damn good and the child actors equaled the same talent as those actors previously mentioned. What I didn’t like in the film are tones of pedophilia, completely unacceptable and cringeworthy.

5. Halloween

Have you ever felt like someone was watching you? Do you believe in the boogeyman? He’s real.

4. The Shinning

Just Jack being Jack…I’m kidding but if you thought Jack was insane this and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest seals the deal.
The strangeness of odd hotel staff, alone in a ski resort, and the hallucinations of the main characters.

3. Nightmare On Elm Street

I’m sure you enjoy your dreams, right? But do you love your NIGHTMARES? I’m guessing you don’t, and I wouldn’t blame you. As a kid, I was afraid of the furnace because of this movie, and the shadow of his fingers frightened me.

2. Friday The 13th

Jasons mother and the creepy moments scared the hell out of me as a kid. Actually, this movie gave me nightmares too. That shhh shhh shhh shhh kill kill kill kill, still, send shivers up the spine when I do it myself. Jason’s mother was an evil fucker who was just as frightening as he was.

1. The Exorcist

It was the first horror film backed by a major Hollywood studio, so it got all the hype it deserved. When you research demonic possession, the film becomes even scarier to watch, especially in surround sound. One of the stars of the film is the voice of the demon which is played by Mercedes McCambridge.
Apparently, she had to chain smoke and down bottles of whiskey to get the voice just right. Fascinating stuff. They don’t make films like this anymore.
What heightens this nowadays are the number of exorcisms that have risen in the past few years, with 500,000 exorcism cases in Italy alone.

Who’s On Your List?

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About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact, CheckYourFact.com, The Quint and many other outlets.

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