Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has announced he will make a second bid for the Democratic nomination for President. Sanders made the announcement in an interview with Vermont Public Radio this morning making sure the people of Vermont heard first. I was expecting Bernie to make an announcement in front of a tree.
If Hillary Clinton runs for president again I don’t know what the hell is gonna happen. At least Bernie can’t be screwed by Hillary and the DNC like he did before. He ran with one issue last time and failed. As a libertarian, I believe there are other voices to consider this time around. Democrats need someone who can defeat Trump it isn’t Bernie of they want to win. He let Hillary Clinton rob him and probably pay him off to get out of the way otherwise why would he come out strong then allow her to accept the nomination. How could anyone vote for him he’s a sellout?

It makes no sense whatsoever that this man for some Democrats are directly responsible for Donald Trump’s presidency. He’s a socialist running as a Democrat and that will lose a lot of interest from a lot of people regardless of what many millennials lean towards.
Sanders speech is an absolute joke he thinks he’s Ron Paul, Paul started a movement so strong he still got electoral votes in the last presidential election and he wasn’t even running. Sanders had this to say:
“We began the political revolution in the 2016 campaign and now it’s time to move that revolution forward and make sure that vision, those ideas, are implemented into policy.”
Senator Bernie Sanders has voted in line with President Trump’s position 14.6% of the time. This is going to be a hell of a presidential race. Who will you vote for?
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