
Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their day and joined the conversation.

The purpose of this blog is to create talking points ranging from politics, entertainment, life, religion, and even sports. Hopefully, the perspectives we present will draw you in you to engage with us.

Every one of our authors is college-educated with a mixture of different ethnicities that I truly believe allows us to entice our readers given our respective unique backgrounds. If you would like to find out more please contact us on our Contact page.

Big John

About 1 About
Big John – Creator & Editor of FinFlam.com

Big John is the creator and lead editor of FinFlam including FinFlam Sports. Throughout his educational journey, John was able to graduate with a Bachelors’s Degree in Criminology along with a minor in Political Science.

The goal in life is to be the man, but it’s not just being the man, it’s staying the man. No matter what sort of accomplishments you attain, everyone has to appreciate the rewards of hard hard work paying off. Find something that fulfills you as this does but it’s only the beginning, I may not have made money doing this but the journey isn’t over.