Roger Stone found guilty on seven counts, including lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstruction of a proceeding. Mueller brought the charges against Stone in January. Stone pleaded not guilty to them all, and once vowed he would be “vindicated” at trial.

Stone is now the sixth Trump associate convicted on charges stemming from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. It should be noted that even if these people did get convicted, they were convicted of other crimes, none relating to Russian interference or being Russian spies.

Roger Stone Found Guilty on Seven Counts- Faces 50 Years 2 Roger StoneRoger Stone Found Guilty on Seven Counts- Faces 50 Years 3 Roger Stone

Shortly after Stone’s conviction, President Trump responded on Twitter, “So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all of the others, including even Mueller himself? Didn’t they lie? ….A double standard like never seen before in the history of our Country?”

Stone’s sentencing is scheduled for Feb. 6, 2020, just over a year after his dawn arrest on Jan. 25 of this year. He faces up to 50 years in prison according to the statutory maximum, but legal experts have told ABC News the actual sentence is likely going to be much lower.

Roger Stone Found Guilty on Seven Counts- Faces 50 Years 4 Roger StoneRoger Stone Found Guilty on Seven Counts- Faces 50 Years 5 Roger Stone

The federal judge, Amy Alexander, who placed the gag order on Stone is going to enforce the order even after his conviction. Since Stone has the tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back, I wonder if he’ll honestly get a tattoo of President Trump on his body?

About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact,, The Quint and many other outlets.

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