Freedom of Information Battle for Seth Rich

In a recent twist in the long-running freedom of information battle concerning the murder of Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer, a Texas Judge ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to deliver key information pertaining to the case.

Judge Amos L. Mazzant commanded the FBI to devise “a timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich’s personal laptop, Seth Rich’s work laptop, the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following the issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order.”

This crucial directive was issued on a typical Wednesday morning, yet it held anything but a typical implication for the Seth Rich case.

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Seth Rich, a 27-year-old DNC staffer, died in tragic circumstances on July 10, 2016. He was gunned down amidst a quiet night while he was on his way home from a night out in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C.

At the time of the incident, he was reportedly on the phone with his girlfriend when gunshots echoed the night air, cut short their conversation, and tragically, Seth’s life as well.

Despite passing so many years, his killer has not been identified yet. Authorities have alluded to the likelihood of it being a botched robbery, hinted by the evidence present at the crime scene.

None of his belongings were ever taken as he was shot in the back of the head. Simultaneously as this happened all the cameras around the neighborhood seem to be turned off or nobody seemed to have been able to gather any footage from that day of the tragic murder of Seth Rich.

Nonetheless, the case’s unsolved status keeps suspicions alive, and many continue to look for answers behind the Democrat staffer’s untimely demise.

The significant turning point in the case stems from a freedom of information battle initiated by Ty Clevenger, an attorney representing the plaintiff, Brian Huddleston, a Texas-based individual.

Initially the FBI stated they had little to no evidence but wanted to keep it sealed for 66 years before the details could be released.

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Judge Orders FBI to Release Files on Seth Rich Murder by December 12th 4


To comprehend this standoff, we must first understand the concept behind a ‘freedom of information’ battle. In essence, it involves the fight to access certain classified or concealed information, which, once made public, could have substantial implications on current affairs.

In this context, the battle revolves around an information request made to the FBI regarding the Seth Rich case. The plaintiff’s lawyer, Ty Clevenger, had requested access to documents and materials related to Seth Rich’s case allegedly harbored by the FBI.

What would have typically been a typical information request morphed into a hearty legal battle when a response from the FBI doused any hopes of an easy divulgence of data. The FBI replied two weeks after Huddleston’s request, stating that they were “unable to locate any responsive main files”.

This categorical statement raised eyebrows and fueled the desire to push further for the actual truth.As a result of this push and pull, Judge Amos L. Mazzant has finally ordered the FBI to churn out a timeline for marshaling the contents of Seth’s personal laptop, and his work laptop, along with the DVD and tape drive.

However, these pieces of technology are more than simple electrical appliances; they hold within them invaluable information that can significantly impact the case’s course.

They encompass tangible memories, records, and breadcrumbs that might lead to a clearer and deeper understanding of Seth Rich’s large-scale killing mystery.

FBI Lied

Moving on to the judicial implication of this scenario, in September 2022, the court entered a Prior Order requiring the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to produce the information it possessed related to Seth Rich’s laptop and responsive to the plaintiff’s FOIA requests. A prior order of such gravitas bears significant impact on the progress and unfolding of this case, primarily placing the FBI and DOJ on the hotspot.

Astoundingly, the magnitude of withheld information is eye-opening and questions the full scope of the exercise of exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

It was later unveiled that the FBI had over 20,000 pages of potentially relevant material to the set Seth Rich murder.

Of the 20,000, around 1,596 pages were directly related to Rich, while another 1,496 of the pages were withheld due to a series of FOIA exemptions. This withholding subtly shakes the foundations of transparency, suggesting that perhaps, not all has been brought to light, as huge chunks of these documentations have not been disclosed to the public.

The Bureau’s possession of a trove of documents that are believed to hold pivotal associate with Seth Rich, induces fervor and escalating curiosity amidst the public and the consequent stakeholders.

An astonishing 1,596 pages bearing direct relevance to Rich is indeed a figure that raises eyebrows and questions the depths of the not-yet-ventured latitudes of the case.

Obliging them to produce pertinent information relative to Rich’s laptop casts a spotlight on the bureau’s methods and their immediate response to the plaintiff’s FOIA requests. This becomes even more noteworthy in defense of the principles of freedom of information, looking at it from a broader perspective of upholding transparency and accountability. However, the plot thickens with the subsequent legal maneuver by the FBI, they filed a Motion for Clarification in September 2022, which has now been denied.

This denial substantially brings us to ponder on the courtroom dynamics and the intricate plays of justice, simultaneously emphasizing the court’s quest to maintain transparency and not entertain any attempt at obfuscation.

Further accentuating this narrative is the requirement for the bureau to “produce a Vaughn index addressing the information it possesses on the compact disk containing images of Seth Rich’s personal laptop that is responsive to plaintiff’s FOIA requests.”

The obligation to produce the Vaughn index represents a move towards further transparency, ensuring a detailed inventory of the withheld documents, which enables a thorough review of the legitimacy related to the claim of exemption.

My Take

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Judge Orders FBI to Release Files on Seth Rich Murder by December 12th 5

In view of the current verdict, one can hope the investigation will make progress, and the truth behind Seth Rich’s murder will soon unravel. It is essential to remember that the quest for answers is not just about solving a murder; it’s about unveiling the truth.

This routinely scheduled court order that came out on a Wednesday morning, has the potential to shape the course of a significant ongoing investigation, bringing closure to a case that has both embroiled and captivated the public over the last six years.

This development epitomizes the value of transparency and the right to information as pivotal tenets of justice. It underscores that justice might indeed sometimes be delayed, but it never should, and hopefully, in this case, will be denied.

The quest for truth is a relentless pursuit. It demands diligence, resilience, and a sincere commitment to upholding the principles of fairness and equity. As we wait for the information from Seth Rich’s laptops and other devices to unfold, it is crucial to remember that truth eventually finds its way to light, even in the most convoluted freedom of information battles.

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About the Author

Big John

I have an Associates & Bachelors Degree in Criminology with a minor in Political Science. I've been blogging since around 2017, my work has been viewed by 800,000 people, and I am a registered Libertarian. My work has been talked about on many of the largest news outlets in the world from Reuters, USA Today, Politifact,, The Quint and many other outlets.

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